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Who Killed JFK?

The past few days, I have found myself in a nonstop stream of thinking about what I want to do with my life, how I can make money, and how I can support myself. I feel my head pressured by this overactivity of stress. Part of the reason I quit dietetics was to give myself "me time" to clear my head of all external energies and discover who I really am as a person and how I can be happy in my life. Yet, I instead find myself creating even more stress than I had prior. I am so very terrified of the (current) reality of money that I had to actively clear the thoughts in the middle of what should be the ultimate high, a One Direction concert with my friend Erica whom I have not seen since London last summer.

I drove home from Philadelphia on a two hour car ride, blasting The Doors and settling into an ultimate meditation. I find it is extremely rare for my mind to be absent of thoughts, but when I am at my best, the thoughts are sincere, a connection to Source, if you will. Throughout the car ride, I experienced some ups and downs, but I was ultimately able to ground myself just a little bit more. I just need to relax, I decided. I got home, threw on some comfy clothes, and headed outside with my laptop. I started to play a Corey Goode interview and allow myself to slip away and just be. For those who do not know, Corey Goode is a whistleblower of the secret space project. He participated in this project for what was perceived to be 20 years in its time reality, but when Corey stepped back into this reality, only 8 minutes had passed. The thought of that threw me for a loop.

When I was undergoing my "dark night of the soul" or the initial shredding of the ego, desperate to learn the truth, I fell down the conspiracy rabbit hole. I became so interested in JFK. He fought for truth and for peace, and for that, I admired him. Something did not sit right with me about the way he died. My intuition was starting to kick in and come online. I found myself obsessed with discovering the truth. I searched for every fact and article I could come across. Ultimately, I discovered my truth. This truth then spiraled into the truth of 9/11, Pearl Harbor, the assassination of RFK, JFK Jr., Martin Luther King, etc. At this point, I realized to pretty much believe nothing, and I felt I lived in a very corrupt and dark world.

Then I discovered a man named Kurt Cobain, and it peaked a different curiosity in me. I felt such a strong connection to Kurt, and I had no idea why. We even had similar birthdays; mine is February 22nd and his is the 20th. Somehow, I know Kurt triggered in me to delve deeper into the spirituality side of things. Kurt was a spiritual person yet the number one figure of one of the most corrupt industries on this planet, our music industry. With JFK, they truly sought for authenticity and full disclosure of these issues and ultimately died for their cause (whether directly or indirectly in Kurt's case).

I am of the belief that the world is waking up. I know I chose to come here at this time to have this early wake up and help others transition into the new Earth. Old paradigms must die. When injustice is at such a peak, the systems must collapse and be built anew. They cannot be renovated.

I know this is my calling, and for a while, I believed I could align this calling with nutrition. Afterall, nutrition is a critical component to spirituality as all foods have an innate vibration which, when we consume them, will have an affect, whether positive or negative, on our own vibration.

The thing is, this path that I am trying to create for myself only exists in minute numbers. Meaning, my "dream profession" for lack of a better term only exists within small numbers of people. I have such role models like Teal Swan, Kelli Coffee, Gregg Prescott, Alura Cein, and more. They are all doing variations of the same thing, presenting a view point to the world, and I have a view to share too. When I was waking up, I grasped desperately to others who knew what I was talking about, and that is how I discovered them on YouTube and, my new favorite website. I wanted to know more, more, more, yet being conscious to balance my own thoughts and learning things through my own intuition and using my discretion. It was an exciting time to feel I am discovering the secrets of the universe.

When it comes down to it, I have the time and space now to just be, and it is through this state that true inspiration will come. I cannot force it, or I will just create a resistance. I have to instead align myself with these energies I want to attract and while continuing to stay in alignment with feelings of abundance, power, strength and beauty. Just breathe.

Love always,


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