I Am Creative
Originally written on October 28, 2015
I am usually one to hate labels, but this is one I can live by. I am creative. And I am obsessed with tapping into that creative side of me. More, more, more. What is my next blog? When can I film my next video? One day, I am going to write a book. I am trying to become an entrepreneur in a system that I cannot stand for, all in the name of creativity, passion, and a mission. I want to change the world.
…And so I pondered the other creatives of the world. Instantly, I thought of musicians and artists. But then I thought, every single incarnated person on this Earth with a connection to Source holds that creative side to them. It is an innate ability and gift. It is just a matter of tuning into its frequency. That does not mean that we are all the next John Lennon, but that could mean we all have a creative gift to share with the world.
For me, I proudly say I am a writer. For now, this means this blog as well as my journaling, but I do have a dream to be a published author. I am also a speaker, i.e. my YouTube channel. I believe writing takes more overall energy to produce, but speaking takes more guts, at least from this perspective. At times, my videos are as easy as pie. But other times, I need just a little more guts to get in front of a camera while I’m suffering from a low self-esteem. Third dimensional problems. They cannot stop me.
So I challenge you, what is your mission? Are you tuned into your creative side? If you’re not, just what might you find? It may be more than you could ever now imagine. I dare you to go see…
As you tap into your creative well, the rush of waters will only become more impactful. At first, an initial rush. It continues to flow and flow, until, the rush gets bigger and bigger. The well is everlasting and ever flowing. At times you may feel strained and feel as if you are leaching from that well. But ease up. Surrender and allow. There is more to come.