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Purple Haze

Finally. I feel I am in the acceleration zone, clearing out the residue from my old life and some recent mental turmoil. I talked in my last blog about this great purge I am undergoing, and from the likes of it, it seems many of you out there are having a similar experience. We are dealing with the pits of our soul, the gunk that is just waiting to be cleared and released. I picture it as black tar, suffocating our etheric body, but yet, still unable to dim our inner light that is just begging to get out and fully be exposed. With the release of these dark vibrations, life may just seem a little bit sweeter. We are more whole with ourselves, so ultimately, less will get to us. No longer can the outside world do us any harm. All we need is ourselves, as everything we ever need is already within us; it is just a matter of locating what we need and finding out that truth for ourselves.

Along with this energetic purge of sorts, I find myself riding along, or at least trying to hang onto, a wave of new energy: inspiration. It comes and goes, I have found. When I am lack for inspiration, I do not force it. It is usually just a sign that I need to divulge my energies elsewhere. When inspiration does come, because you have beckoned for it and are ready to receive, you reach bliss. That feeling is a high nothing else can quite match.

There are short and big waves of inspiration. Every time I write a blog, for example, I am riding the short wave. A big crashing wave of inspiration takes you farther, faster. It encompasses your every being. It consumes you. As I write this, I can sense it within me and in the core of my soul. It’s waiting to come out in full throttle. Nowadays, I have many ideas. I draw up many scenarios in my head. I want a brand: Samantha Blaise. This is who I am. I want to build up an audience of people (through YouTube and otherwise) who resonate with me and are drawn to me magnetically and authentically. This is how I can help people. My audience will by my family. Everything else I do will be a mere extension of that. I came here to change the world. I know you did, too.

It’s all just a matter of creating this world for ourselves. We all can do big things. A Pink Floyd’s line particularly resonates with me here: “We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.” Fish bowls, video games. In the end, think of life as a playground. Why wouldn’t you screw around and offend some people? Do you, my friends. That’s not to say you’re living life TO piss off people, but as long as you are staying true to yourself and following your own damn heart, you’re guaranteed to piss off people in the process. But then you remember when Samantha said that the universe is a mirror and the haters are merely projecting their own insecurities onto you. Whether or not you choose to be affected by their words is the real issue.

I encourage you to get out there! Question the rules. Question society. Why are things the way they are? Why are we all so damn complacent? In fact, cause a little harmless chaos. Today I saw a lady driving in the left lane quite slowly with a cop car on her rear end waiting for her to move over. She never did. I could sense the tension of that cop on this woman. Finally, the cop went around her. I applaud you lady. Do you.

I am on my path, and you are on yours. But the path is now. It is not the past nor the future. It is the right here, right now. In each moment, I empower you to enrich and cleanse your soul, if you feel it is your path. Do what makes you happy, what makes you feel alive, and what brings you bliss. Ultimately, a life of bliss begins with a peace of mind, and it is this mind which guides you to abundance.

As you live and breathe in this world, get back to the basics. Practice mindfulness. Pay attention to the energies around you. As you do so, you open yourself up and are allowing life to set in. Your eating patterns may change. You may feel drawn to exercise, practice yoga, or simply “be.” Never underestimate the power of “being.”

Each moment is a blessing, and our bodies are truly temples. As we enrich our souls, stir a little chaos, and align with the physical needs of our bodies, we may also feel mindful to cleanse our fields. Personally, I practice visualizations and breathing techniques. I breathe in the good, release the bad. Simple as that. Every time I feel outside of myself, I bring myself back down and breathe in all the abundance of the universe, release all that no longer serves me. Today, as I breathed in, I felt a light energy and saw in my mind’s eye a pink energetic field of unconditional love. I breathed out the dense, darker energies. Do what feels right for you. What matters most is your intent. Your intent determines your outcome.

Another energy cleansing method I have intuitively been using is the violet flame. After doing an energy healing on myself, I had the idea to envision myself in a beautiful violet flame of energy. This energy is all powerful and all healing. It is able to heal the etheric and pierce through to the physical. The energy reminds me of the Holy Spirit. The violet flame is specialized in healing whereas the Holy Spirit heals, inspires, enlightens, and ascends. You can invoke the violet flame yourself, or you can use a short YouTube video. I will post a couple helpful links at the bottom for you if you are interested in incorporating the violet flame as an energy field clearing method into your spiritual practice.

I have mentioned a couple methods that closely resonate with me in order to cleanse my field. I do breathing methods and affirmations when I need a “go to” method. I use the violet flame or any sort of energy healing when I want to devote some time to really cleansing my field. Burning sage is another good energy clearing method that you can use on yourself or your possessions, crystals or to clear the energy of a room or a house.

I would love to hear any and all feedback. Also if you have any questions for me or about any spirituality topic, I would love to hear it so that I can answer you or cover it in a future blog. The wheels are in motion, and the future is now. I hope you are along for the ride.

Love always,


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