Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is a day of gratitude and abundance. Gratitude - for the beautiful people and food that surround me, for my health, for my dreams and ambitions, for my state of mind, for my happiness, for my beautiful new home, and for everything in between. And abundance, well, I would be silly not to feel abundant on Thanksgiving when I am surrounded by delicious home-cooked, love-enriched food as well as by so many loved ones, people who genuinely love and care about me, and I, them.
Gratitude is a powerful concept that I aim to incorporate into my everyday life. The more we feel grateful for what we have, the more we align with abundance and positivity. Hence, we will draw more positive and abundant experiences into our realities.
Antonyms for abundance include scarcity, poverty, deficiency, and inadequacy. Too often do we feel that what we do have, i.e. the abundance around us, is not enough or inadequate. What is that saying? Well, this type of thinking sends an array of messages (i.e. vibrations) out into the universe. Because we feel what we have is not enough, so will the universe agree with you, and you will continue to draw “not enough” abundance into your reality, like a continuous hamster wheel. This can go well beyond physical objects, such as clothes or movies or the latest Star Wars memorabilia. This feeling of “lack” in your life can transcend into your goals, dreams, or personal situations and relationships in your life.
For example, you may feel down on yourself if you feel inadequate in your personal life. Perhaps you feel you do not have “enough” friends, or maybe you feel inadequate because you do not have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. This kind of storytelling (yes, storytelling) sends out similar vibrations and will keep your true abundance beyond arm’s reach. You cannot get to it with this limited thinking. You want so desperately to have a significant other, yet you are in complete resistence and out of alignment to exactly what you want.
So how do we change our stories? How do we suddently feel as though we are enough? Well, a day like Thanksgiving may just be the perfect day to do so because we may be so blessed to be surrounded by love on this day, but any day or MOMENT will do!
Self-limiting beliefs and any negative feelings (which stem from fear) are mere stories we tell ourselves which we believe. Are you ready to tell a new story? Are you ready to align with a new reality and new experiences? Are you ready to stop feeling the crap?
When it comes to self-worth, you are what you believe. Stop telling yourself you’re worthless and what you cannot do and cannot achieve. Talk to yourself instead as if you were talking to anyone you love, humans and animals alike. Weave a story of love. Each time a negative thought bubbles to surface, catch it and transmute it back to light. Change the negative thoughts into opposite, positive thoughts. "I am worthless" becomes "I am love." Pour your emotions behind it and align with this new thought. Then, go out and “be” this new thought and energy. Act on it and encompass it. Change your story.
Use Thanksgiving as a reminder to focus on what you DO have, and not what you do not. Be grateful for your abundance, and more abundance will follow. Do you want a new wardrobe? Well, you better walk into your closet and feel love for the clothes you have now, so that you may be in alignment with the abundance of clothes, and thus, draw more into your reality. But don't clutter up your closet! Donate your old wardrobe to those who could use it, and allow your clothes to continue on in the cycle of life. Do you feel inadequate in your accomplishments? Well, this type of thinking implies you are uncomfortable with where you are now. So, become comfortable. Forgive yourself for your perceived shortcomings and surrender. Surrender to your reality and its energy. Live in it and bathe in it. Then, if you want to achieve more, hang onto what you do perceive to be your accomplishments, and grow from there. The more you are grateful for your accomplishments, the more they will start to pile up.
Thanksgiving is a beautiful day, if only for the fact that a great population is focusing on GRATITUDE and giving thanks. I am grateful to share in this energy with you! If you are celebrating today, I hope you enjoy your special time with your loved ones. Eat well and be merry! If you are not, I send you just as much love and blessings. May you be grateful and abundant today and always.
Love, peace & blessings,
Samantha <3