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Through the Dark

So, where do I begin? Well, my life has been chaotic recently, namely my emotions. I can’t seem to get a handle on them. But you know me; I must make sense of all situations. In my mind, I’m a down to earth, easy-going kind of girl. Lately though, just anything might set me off.

The world is fluffed with new energies. We are living in a time of great change; that is for damn sure. If you try to make sense of it all and follow all that is going on, well, you may find yourself obsessed with the search for “truth” and struggle to keep your head on straight. You may not understand why this world is the way it is, but you may just lose sight of yourself and your own place on Earth. Michael Jackson, a highly “aware” person as I like to call it, said it best: “If you want to make a world a better place, take a look at yourself, then make a change.” As you awaken your consciousness, it is easy to view this world as a dark, archon-controlled matrix system. “We are under the control of the ‘powers that be’” is a commonly thought belief. It is all bullshit, though. Nobody controls you unless you allow them to. We are free, sovereign beings with Life Force energy and are connected to Source. We are the Light. We are the Truth. Yes, in this particular matrix system, there are archons. There are beings who have supposedly lost their connection to Source which is why they are leaching onto us like parasitic vampires. Are we really just all here as slaves to the system?

Or what if you choose not to see the meaning behind this matrix in a negative light? What if you instead understand that by being in Darkness, your Spirit has the opportunity to grow that much more? Darkness is a product of time space realities. Darkness is the Light which has been removed from Source. Darkness continues to exist because it continually transforms Light to Dark, through trickery, misguidance and ultimately parasitic methods. The thing is, though, Light can exist in the absence of Dark, but Dark would cease to exist in the absence of the Light. Dark needs Light to survive. If Dark transformed all of the Light into Dark, there would be nothingness. Source knows this, and ultimately, this will never happen. It is just not possible. Instead, we find ourselves in these video games such as the universe and matrix system you and I all exist in. In these realities, Dark may seem to thrive, but it is like a ticking time bomb. Eventually, its time is over, and that time is now.

In these times of chaos, it is so easy to handover your power or to give up. I see it all the time. People on consciousness-related groups on Facebook commonly post that this world is just too hard to live in. I sympathize completely, and I, too, often feel the same. But if you’re constantly, and I mean constantly feeling this way and focusing on the dark side of this world which then draws more and more darkness towards you, you’re ultimately missing the point and letting this matrix you hate so much control you. We are here as beacons of Light to have an earthly experience. In times of chaos, remember that your Higher Self is laughing at you. Everything is going to be okay.

I believe in the power of intention and the Law of Attraction. I hold still with the intent to grow, for the world to grow with me, and to be a channel for all the abundance of the universe. I am well aware of my power, and I want to use it to be the best of my ability and for that ability to grow and grow. As a result, I find myself going through an energetic cleanse. I mentioned life has been chaotic; this is what I’m talking about. All these low-vibrating energies and emotions are surfacing so that they may be released for the better of me. As of late, I have experienced rage, anger, tension, frustration, sadness and hopelessness. Unfortunately, it has been taken out on some loved ones, but ultimately we must always remember to feel our emotions. Live in it. And so I have, even if I kept thinking I was a crazy person. Wasn’t it the Mad Hatter that said the best of us are?

Ultimately, these situations and the people involved are just artificial triggers for us to release these emotions. Remember, the root of all low-vibrating/darker emotions is fear. The opposite of fear is love. If you are facing similar instances in your life and are perhaps feelings emotional, sensitive or vulnerable, keep in mind that these situations are only acting as a stage for you to clear your fear and own your power. For example, did something Mom do set you off but you feel you over-reacted? Well, you’re not actually mad at mom now. You may be confronting an issue with her from seven years ago, or you may be mad at that guy who scratched your car last week. Clear it out. Go with the energy, sit in your emotions and allow yourself to feel it. By consciously doing so, you are bringing light to dark and releasing the vibrations from your ether. You may be on a rollercoaster of emotions, but hang tight. All that you clear is no longer a part of you, never to return again. I should mention that other people do not necessarily need to be involved in these situations. You may randomly feel the urge to cry while you are alone and not be entirely sure why. It is okay.

Each time you feel free of the dark energy, ground yourself back to nature. Take in the sun, his rays and all the information he has to share with you. Listen to the sounds of the trees, the blades of grass. What are they saying? Remember who you are and where you are. When I get to this place of remembrance where I know who I am outside of this body, I, in turn, truly know everything is going to be okay.

Along with these emotional symptoms, I have also had physical side effects as well. I have multiple full body sneezes at least once a day for the past couple weeks. I am also completely and utterly congested. These are all clearing side effects, if you ask me! Think about it; sneezing and blowing your nose are just ways your body gets the junk out of your system. I want to clear, and I want my superpowers (psychic abilities) to come fully online. I have been having more vivid dreams lately and waking up remembering parts of a dream nearly every night. Two nights ago I dreamt Steven Tyler was in my old house smashing my dad’s old guitars. Not sure what that means on a spiritual level…

If you ask anyone in the spiritual realm about meditation, they will say it’s a MUST for anyone on a spiritual journey. I hate homework, so perhaps that is why I have been so resistant to regular meditation. I do, however, enter a meditative state many times a day due to just the way my brain works and thinks. There are different meditative states depending on the brain’s wavelength. For me, that means that sometimes I will just feel zen, but often, I will pick up on voices of others and their conversations. Other times, I will get a clear thought stream from my Higher Self. Two nights ago, I entered a meditative state where I remember being shown data in the likes of a pyramid, with different levels on the pyramid representing different facets of this data. It was some sort of program being presented to me. In the midst of it, I remember thinking it all made sense and that it was important. I snapped out of it though, and this is as much as I can remember about what I was shown. The reason I am sharing this is because number one, I think it’s cool, but number two, I need to meditate more! I know I am on the cusp of being able to do great things. I can smell improvement, as I wrote in my journal. I have also been working with energy healing and energy manipulation. Yesterday, I performed a session on my boyfriend whom so graciously was my guinea pig, and I feel like I got that little note of reassurance when I empathically felt his lower back pain as if it were my own. To be continued…

If you believe one thing I say, I hope it is that you believe me when I say you are all powerful. I want you believe in you as much as I believe in you, and I hope you believe in me in return. By believing in each other, we are believing in ourselves. I wrote something down in my journal that I would like to share to end this blog on: The power of the mind is so great the moment you realize there is no difference between fantasy and reality.

And so it is. Namaste my friends.

Love always,


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