Just Keep Swimming
You may have noticed I have been in semi-hibernation mode from YouTube and my blog lately- a couple videos last week (which you can view HERE), a blog on Thanksgiving, but nothing crazy. It is finally time to share my story. Man, have I evolved. I tend to think of life as a series of cycles of hardships and renewals. I used to call it self-improvement, but now I just call it “getting to know thyself.” The more I am allowing of this illusory experience, the more I clear the windshield before me, the one I put up slowly but surely over the course of my tender experience on Earth. The artificial layers I have put up in front to me to guard myself are not actually a part of myself but are perhaps ego-constructed and a part of my shadow. Happily though, I think I am finally getting a hang of this whole “living” thing, or at least I can see a clearer course in sight.
I used to dream about being a spirit body, outside of this cold, miserable Earth as so I conflictingly thought at the time. I wondered why my soul chose to have this experience. I must have known how hard it was going to be, I thought. This thought process is now one I can nurture and tend to, but it is no longer a thought process I resonate with. A great blessing, I am truly realizing in actuality what a great honor and privilege it is to live in the flesh and to participate in this great illusion! The Earthly plane seems to me like an inverse relationship to the spirit realms and what exists outside of these bodies. Yet, on Earth we are SO convinced matter is real. Our whole existence is based off the principal of physicality. The mere existence of the “physical” is truly a great miracle to me!
So what are some great reasons to come to Earth? Number 1: to love! If nothing else, I came here to love. To be, think, experience, breathe, radiate and share love. Think about it, outside of these bodies, we are spiritual beings. We do not have bodies of flesh to cover us and give us a physical presence. We do not have brains, hearts, or any organs to act as a physical manifestation and receiver/translator of the unseen/the fifth element. Outside of these bodies, we are spirit bodies, whatever that entails! What I do know, is that outside of these bodies, there are no hugs and kisses from mommy as a child when you’re crying because you feel so sick. Daddy is not there to tuck you in each and every night, rain or shine, no matter how late he happens to get home from work. There is no first “I love you” to or from a special man or woman in your life and that rush of energy you feel for finally hearing or saying it for the first time. There is no passionate, meaningful sex, and there is no “falling in love” as we experience it on this earthly plane.
Our society seems to be addicted to love stories, and I finally understand why. I would not be surprised if a number of us incarnated to Earth (assuming we all had the choice, which I am not entirely sure about) to merely experience love in some way, but for now let’s talk about soulmate level or deep spiritual romantic connections. Our society has indoctrinated this idea that all of us have a “the one” that we will marry for eternity, have children with, and live happily ever after with. The problem with these aforementioned beliefs, however, is that they are deeply rooted and focused in the future rather than the here and now. I am in a deeply loving relationship right now, and one thing I am so grateful to have learned is that love itself is so beautiful and should be celebrated. When relationships, particularly marriages fall apart, we deem it to be a failure of some sort. Perhaps they just weren’t the one, we may think. What if there is another way to look at these instances that views each relationship with a loving, accepting eye? What I am proposing is to celebrate love and share love when you have found it. Realize its worth while it is yours. I am SO blessed and grateful each day for my loving boyfriend! I believe in the power of gratitude, and sometimes, things disappear before our eyes and before we truly had a chance to appreciate its value. Live in the moment, breathe in the moment, and prosper in the moment! If you were in a truly loving relationship that ended, can you look back and cherish the love you did share? Just because you may not experience this love now does not mean that it does not or did not exist. Love is meant to be celebrated. It is not meant to be looked back at with despair because society told us it’s unacceptable for relationships to end and that this marks some sort of failure on our or our partner’s part. The next time you do find love, be grateful for the experience. To share such a deep, soul level connection is truly sacred. Try not to set standards or expectations around the relationship, and don’t read into the future of the relationship. Sink, instead, into the present moment with your beloved. My boyfriend Michael believes love is like a flower, and he means it as it grows slowly and tenderly. I also appreciate the phrase in that love must be nourished and cherished, just like a precious flower. We must tend to our love, water our love, and appreciate the beauty of our love.
So what else have I learned lately? Well, I am realizing what a responsibility I have in publishing my blogs and YouTube videos. I do not want to lead people astray, so I must be careful in making sure I am channeling Truth. I also realize I am not here to tell people what to do, but merely to share my story. Through sharing my story, perhaps I can inspire others and awaken parts of their souls. I had published a video on YouTube titled “The 5 Elements: An Introduction.” It was meant as an introductory video to a series I would be publishing on the five elements: air, water, fire, earth and spirit. I had published that video perhaps a little under two weeks ago but never followed up. I rewatched the intro video yesterday, and I felt the need to take it down. I no longer resonated with parts of my message in the video, and I am NOT here to point people in the wrong direction! I am here to bring people closer to their true self.
As perhaps you can tell, I am big on “love.” I am a firm believer in its high vibration, and I can see just what it can do. This transcends relationships. I am talking about love on a whole. Although I am big on love and can safely resonate within its field at moments throughout the day, I do NOT believe in ignoring or suppressing feelings in order to love. I am not of the “love and light” crew that believe in suppression of feelings and reaching for love. This can actually be harmful and detrimental to spiritual development. I believe instead in “knowing thyself.” I do not say self-improvement anymore because that sends out a signal like we are something to be improved. We are PERFECT just the way we all are! There is NOTHING to improve! But for the sake of myself, I like knowing myself. I like doing “shadow work,” a term I had frequently heard but just learned I had been practicing for quite some time without realizing. I like digging into the nitty gritty of my etheric and emotional insides. I want to purge myself of all artificiality in order to be the best person I can be. But I also want to live and breathe in the moment and manifest the life of my dreams. That is why I am here. I am here to love of course, but I am here to experience the physicality, purge my creative expression, and help people along the way. I have SO MUCH to share. I know it’s inside me. I remember growing up creative. I was always a writer. I would write song lyrics, poems, stories, etc. I would create magazines, scrapbooks, and so much more. I always had a journal, a practice I carry to this day. At some point, however, I started to care more about school and my grades than my creative expression. But now is the time to release and tune back into the creative young girl. I am on a journey and enjoying every step along the way. With each moment I must remember to keep one foot in front of the other. My dreams are in mind. I’m making it a reality.