Karma & the Law of Attraction
Karma and the Law of Attraction. Have you heard of these terms? Perhaps you conceptualize karma as a Buddhist or Hindu ideal, or perhaps you have heard of the Law of Attraction in passing. But what do these terms mean, and what do they have in common?
A week or so ago, I was driving home on a local highway when suddenly, a lady in a white car directly parallel of me shifted into my lane and nearly hit me. One rule of thumb I have abided by is that there is no such thing as a victim. But how is it possible, then, for something such as being nearly run off the road able to just happen under the laws of the universe? I pondered the thought until a couple of days later when I cut off a car while making a right turn. I just didn't see him, I thought, which is, not-so-ironically, most definitely what the lady who almost hit me was thinking. I thought, surely that’s karma.
But what is karma exactly? Is karma some divine intervention in accordance with each and everyone's actions and injustices? Or, is it a simple universal law? It was Nikola Tesla who said "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." So simply stated, yet oh so effective. Think about it like this, when the lady came into my lane, I was a "vibrational match" to the occurrence. Something in my own vibrational field was in alignment with her vibrational field. The universe is simple and impartial. Like attracts like. Keep in mind, this is all outside of pre-destined events such as those indicated in our soul contracts. When the lady in the white car almost hit me, I was so curious as to why that was able to happen from a vibrational standpoint. When I caused a similar disturbance days later, the universe answered my question: because I was a match to that vibration. It was a learning experience, and next time, I'll be able to prevent myself from nearly hitting another vehicle.
So, my challenge to you and to myself is the next time something "happens" to you, ask yourself, why were you a vibrational match to that occurrence? If you are unsure, ask the universe, and the answer will reveal itself if you are open to it. Be allowing.
So that’s karma, which to me is one in the same with the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. We reap what we sow. However you want to look at it. Our physical and etheric bodies are made up of many different vibrations as well as a cumulative vibration that are all constantly changing and fluctuating. Our emotional vibration may be in a state of joy in one moment and a state of fear and discontent in the next. Thus, we are constantly realigning with different experiences based on our vibration. So raise that vibration! We all have the ability to create the dream reality we envision for ourselves, and this is where manifestation comes into play… But that’s for another article.
I truly love you all so much! If you are reading this, I hope some messages resonate with you, and feel free to share your experiences in the comments box.
Peace and love,