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Own Your Power/Clear Your Fear: Riding the Waves of September

I had such a lovely Labor Day weekend. I saw my best friend Amber, lots of family, and got quality time with my honey. My mind was in the here and now, immersed in the present moment, engulfed by the energies of those I love. I was so separate from this blog and all it represents; the topic of spirituality was a side note. No more were the questions of “what the heck am I doing with my life?” and stressing myself out. “All you need is love,” said some wise men, and so it is true.

But after I arrived home yesterday morning, it was back to this other reality, a reality mostly marked by the chaos inside my mind and the techniques I use to ground myself, e.g. being in nature, journaling, etc. I spent the majority of yesterday writing a blog article about John Mayer and the meaning behind “Bigger than My Body” that I ultimately didn’t even post. Something wasn’t quite right. I’m forcing it, I thought. I wanted to write a new, inspiring post, but this was not to be. In retrospect, my body just needed some time to prepare for an upcoming shift.

I have been more tired lately. For a while, I was falling asleep as early as 9 and always waking up before 8. It felt like a good rhythm. Now, I am sleeping later, and I even took a few hour nap yesterday. I don’t question what my body needs anymore. Instead, I try to listen for when it does need something (such as more sleep) and try to adhere to these needs. I’ve learned, though, that when my body has days or even weeks or months of needing more sleeping, it is usually in preparation for an energy shift, a reaction to incoming energies, or my body is being realigned in some way.

I mentioned Wave X, coined by Dr. Simon Atkins, once in a blog post, but in relation to wanting to write more about it at a later date. I want you to understand that Wave X is merely a piece of a bigger picture. From my perspective ever since my awakening almost a year ago, our reality currently exists within this dense, three dimensional plane of existence. Most people are so disconnected from Source that they have no understanding of their divinity and no conscious connection to memories prior to this incarnation on Earth. More and more people are waking up, however, and as this happens, the world will undergo mass restructuring and changes. As we the people ascend, so does the entirety of the Earth and all its creatures. Yes, pets and all animals will experience a shift as well, but so will each blade of grass you see outside. Even the air is shifting and coming online. I have been sneezing every day recently, perhaps in reaction to the changing air? As the Earth shifts its consciousness and raises its vibration, lower vibrations will no longer be a match to this planet. People and entire systems will fall. Corruption, war, and disease will all be things of the past. We are moving towards a vibration of love, a vibration that can withstand all the others, rise above, and triumph.

The way I personally understand Wave X is that it is a wave of high-frequency energy that the Earth is currently moving through in space. Its origin is unknown, but knowing that we create our reality, I believe Wave X is a conscious effort on the parts of many of the awakened. We have beckoned for this energy to come and lift our planet. According to Dr. Atkins, we have been feeling this energy since July and will continue to feel it through next year, especially in September through October. He also predicts a stock market crash, the first phase of which was recently felt. Phase two will occur later this month, and phase three, in October, will be worse than the first two phases combined, he says. The way I see it is this: if there is going to a revolution on this planet of personal self-awareness with the realization of unity and we are all one, all corruption must end. I resonate with Atkins's convictions, and I am not fearful in the least. From the bottom of my heart, YOU have nothing to fear. We have been trained as a society to fear war, to fear each other, to fear everyday activities because “something bad could happen.” I am here to tell you that YOU have ultimate power against outside sources. When we realize this is so, we place a big protective barrier of light around ourselves. We vibrate so highly that nothing can hurt us or "burst our bubble."

Another thing to keep in mind is that our thoughts are not always our own and may instead be planted by other entities. Intruding thoughts may also be thought forms that we or other beings created that we keep attracting back to ourselves. When you have thoughts of fear, most likely, these thoughts are not even your own, but you are attracting these thoughts through free will and due to the constant bombardment of fear tactics in the outside world. You can clear all fear-related thought forms and drive them back to their origin. When you have a thought of fear, sit with it, bring it to light/consciousness, and release it back to where it came from. And if chaos in the outside world ensues in the coming weeks and months, just know that it is all a part of the greater good and a means to an end. The world is shaking itself up. Expect to see events of social chaos in the coming months, anything from conspiracy stories (JFK anyone?) coming to light to a stock market crash to mass amounts of people thinking they are going nuts. No honey, you're just waking up.

One of the whole points of this blog and my shift in careers is to be a voice of reason for those going through similar experiences. I do not claim to know anything. In fact, I know nothing! My blog is merely a way for me to share my truth and the way I view the world. If you are reading this now, maybe you are in the midst of your own spiritual awakening, or maybe I have piqued your interest in a sense. If I were to give you advice, I would say to explore, realize, and come to terms with just how powerful and full of light you are. Do not ever feel like you have to settle for less than your heart’s desires. If you feel that internal calling, that is your own divine right. There is no settling unless you allow it to be so and enter into your reality. When you realize this and act on it from a place true to your heart, there is nothing you can't do.

I HIGHLY, HIGHLY suggest researching Dr. Atkins if you are interested in learning more about this shift and the incoming energies. I will link you to his YouTube channel and a couple of my favorite interviews of him and Michelle Walling on in5d’s “The Cosmic Awakening Show.” Dr. Atkins is a wonderful and intelligent human being who has dedicated himself to humanity. #HumanityWins is his Twitter motto, and I am so thankful for all he does!

Love and light to you today and always <3


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